Note de Position
July 2021

From mission-driven companies to brand "purpose"

Making the quest for meaning a lever for growth and transformation

Note de position
numéro 15

July 2021

From mission-driven companies to brand "purpose"

Making the quest for meaning a lever for growth and transformation

Note de Position
July 2021

The quest for meaning as a growth lever (3rd edition)


The revolution in brands’ raison d’être and “purpose” is first and foremost that of “business for good, which is driving companies to formalize their societal contribution and the positive impact they wish to make, around an approach focused on the innovation and business opportunities represented by the resolution of contemporary ecological and societal problems.

In anticipation of these trends, the Positive Brands referential developed by UTOPIES in 2014 had made “purpose” the first of its 9 criteria, and the intense news around this subject for several years has motivated us to devote a dedicated note to it, which today emerges in a 3rd version, completed and enriched.

In this 3rd edition, and after three decades of experience in supporting brands and companies on these subjects, we unveil a new reference framework, ROOTS©, to help companies anchor their raison d’être in their business, in their offering and in their business model. Indeed, according to McKinsey, 70% of transformation projects fail without having achieved their stated objectives – and this doesn’t just concern the raison d’être! But to prevent this from remaining “out of the ground”, the ROOTS© methodology is specifically built around 9 criteria (9P) of a truly transformative raison d’être, 9 axes of “proof” to guide the deployment of the 360° “purpose” and ensure its lasting anchorage in the day-to-day running of the business.


Enjoy your reading!

The quest for meaning as a growth lever (3rd edition)


The revolution in brands’ raison d’être and “purpose” is first and foremost that of “business for good, which is driving companies to formalize their societal contribution and the positive impact they wish to make, around an approach focused on the innovation and business opportunities represented by the resolution of contemporary ecological and societal problems.

In anticipation of these trends, the Positive Brands referential developed by UTOPIES in 2014 had made “purpose” the first of its 9 criteria, and the intense news around this subject for several years has motivated us to devote a dedicated note to it, which today emerges in a 3rd version, completed and enriched.

In this 3rd edition, and after three decades of experience in supporting brands and companies on these subjects, we unveil a new reference framework, ROOTS©, to help companies anchor their raison d’être in their business, in their offering and in their business model. Indeed, according to McKinsey, 70% of transformation projects fail without having achieved their stated objectives – and this doesn’t just concern the raison d’être! But to prevent this from remaining “out of the ground”, the ROOTS© methodology is specifically built around 9 criteria (9P) of a truly transformative raison d’être, 9 axes of “proof” to guide the deployment of the 360° “purpose” and ensure its lasting anchorage in the day-to-day running of the business.


Enjoy your reading!

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