Economic leakage and relocation: an opportunity for sustainable prosperity in Mauritius
With strategic support from UTOPIES, the MCB has embarked on an ambitious sustainable development programme, Success Beyond Numbers, built around three pillars: support for a sustainable local economy, conservation and enhancement of the cultural and environmental heritage, and individual and collective well-being.
LOKAL IS BEAUTIFUL is the first concrete action to be launched under the MCB’s first strategic axis, i.e. support for the local economy. Through the Lokal is Beautiful initiative, the MCB wanted to serve the development of Mauritius as effectively as possible by exploring all the facets of a prosperity that could also be thought of more from within, to reinforce the solidity of a dynamic economy anchored in a new globalisation, that of exchanges between prosperous territories.
The MCB commissioned UTOPIES to carry out a study aimed at all players in the local economy, with a view to encouraging the emergence of a new generation of local entrepreneurs and rethinking its own offer of support for the local economy, through new forms of partnership, financing, investment and services.
This study has two objectives:
The study was published and presented to the island’s economic players in January 2019: Lokal is beautiful. Economic leakage and relocation: an opportunity for sustainable prosperity for Mauritius.
The study showed that the attraction of external wealth is an important pillar, necessary but not sufficient to explain and sustainably carry the island’s prosperity. From this perspective, the island’s development must simultaneously consider the capacity of the Mauritian economy to continue to attract external income and to circulate wealth as sustainably as possible within its territory. Two areas of opportunity have been identified for Mauritius:
Three avenues have been put forward to encourage the emergence of this new form of local entrepreneurship in Mauritius: