
Senior consultant


Trained as a geographer, Boris has been working with local authorities and their partners for over 12 years, carrying out studies, providing advice and leading collective initiatives. His work focuses in particular on foresight and strategies for local policies on economic development, employment and social inclusion, and territorial resilience. Boris joined UTOPIES in 2017 as a Sustainable Local Economies expert.


As a specialist in territorial economics, Boris is developing an expertise in territorial development based on the notion of the ‘local economic circuit’: encouraging local production, consumption, employment and financing to build vibrant, inclusive and resilient local economies. Through his professional experience, Boris has developed solid skills in documentary monitoring, surveys and interviews, quantitative analysis, and writing/editing for print and web.

What nobody knows about Boris

Passionate about music, Boris has kept his rocker’s soul and occasionally lets off steam on his drums.

« Anyone who believes that exponential growth can continue indefinitely in a finite world is either mad or an economist. »
Kenneth E. Boulding