
Associate Director


An economist by training, Arnaud has been working on local economic issues for almost 20 years. In 2001, as part of a postgraduate degree (DEA), he developed a prototype econometric model designed to simulate the economic functioning of local areas. After working for 12 years in marketing research consultancies, he joined UTOPIES in 2013 to develop solutions aimed at advising businesses on how to assess and strategically maximise their local impact, as well as local authorities through a better understanding of local economic metabolism.


Arnaud is the designer of the LOCAL FOOTPRINT ® and LOCAL SHIFT ® tools used by the UTOPIES team. In addition to his research and consultancy work, he plays an active part in the firm’s think-tank activities and has published a number of studies and position papers on the importance of the local multiplier effect, urban food autonomy, manufacturing towns, the ‘material footprint’, territorial entrepreneurship and the role of companies and brands in urban vitality and local development. Arnaud is currently working on the 4th industrial revolution and its impact on the decentralisation of the economy. He also provides support for quantitative studies and surveys. In particular, he designed ‘L’observatoire des Marques Positives’, published since 2015 by UTOPIES.

« I may not believe in myself, but I believe in what I’m doing »
Jimmy Page