UTOPIES publishes “Best for Poverty Alleviation”, the 5th part of the #IBMseries, produced in collaboration with B Lab France.
While global economic progress has reduced the number of people living in extreme poverty (less than 10% of the world’s population in 2022, compared with 36% in 1990), almost half of the planet’s inhabitants still face major difficulties in meeting their basic needs.
In recent years, many companies have taken up this issue with varying motivations and levers for action, ranging from employee involvement in humanitarian causes to the establishment of multi-stakeholder partnerships. However, some companies stand out by placing the fight against poverty at the very heart of their business model, by correlating poverty reduction with value creation. Because the most effective way for a company to act against poverty is often not so much to reduce its negative impacts (less bad) as to explicitly place the fight against poverty at the heart of its mission (more good). These companies are the focus of our new publication!
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